When we bought our house, it was an estate sale. The former owner was eccentric; among the things we acquired with the house were 3 metal detectors: a Micronta 4003, a Search Master Treasure Tracker DX 4000, and a Heathkit Groundtrack VLF. We are keeping at least one of these, but the Micronta has a damaged battery connection. If anyone likes to tinker with metal detectors, you may have the Micronta for only the cost of shipping to you (I estimate about $15 within the US); first one to respond gets it, and I will either send you my address to mail a check, or give you my Paypal contact information.

On a side note, we aren't convinced either of the other two detectors are functional. Despite replacing the batteries in the Heathkit, no amount of tweaking has gotten a response from it, and the Search Master seems to have only two settings, off and BUZZ. We don't have the original instructions for either machine, so if anyone can e-mail me general instructions for using metal detectors of these types, or direct me to websites with said instructions, I would be grateful.

Tracy Latimer

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