Hi Jamie,
        I am sure you will hear more soon from the Denver meteorite club
called The Comets...... meanwhile, I can tell you I am doing an auction
with The Comets on Friday evening and they always throw a "no host"
party at a cool Mexican restaurant with the world's largest Margueritas,
so, that will most certainly be Sat. evening.
        Denver is a LOT like Tucson, with the main difference beeing
FAR fewer meteorite collectors attending but more than half the
meteorite sellers. So, as a collector, you are WAY better off at Denver
in terms of a "buyers' market" situation. Also, there tends to be a
more "intimate" feel, since there are so fewer people and folks end
up hanging out and having a beer in Blaine's room or whatever. It
feels far less hectic than Tucson. Part of that is that almost everyone
is in one motel and all the rest are across the street in another motel,
so, there isn't the racing around you have in Tucson. Also, there are
not so many other fossil and mineral dealers - Tucson is so big you
couldn't walk in and right out of all the rooms in a week - in Denver,
you can do it in one day.
        Looking foreword to seeing ya there, Michael
on 8/13/03 7:06 AM, Jamie Stephens at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> List Members,
> For the first time, I'm gonna make it to the Denver show.
> I haven't been able to find much info about who's where and
> what's going on.  I'd appreciate any info.
> Hopefully I can leave some money with list members in Denver
> and bring home some thin sections.  Where should I go?
> Thanks in advance for advice.
> --Jamie Stephens
> IMCA 2828
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