Here's an image of the L6 that Dave is talking about:
Happy Birthday, Dave! And best wishes, Bob V. ----------------------------- [meteorite-list] Cold hunting David Freeman [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wed, 10 Sep 2003 21:03:34 -0600 Dear List; One more point, I recognized my 53.7 gram meteorite at about 40 feet away, and could confirm it to be meteoritic at about 30 feet by the excellent crust. I would have not seen it at all probably if I were in a vehicle, or riding a four wheeler. My method is walk ten steps, scan left to the comfortable sight range to see a golf ball sized black item (about 100 feet in good light and clear skies), look across in front of me in a long sweep of the eyes, and off to the right the same distance. Ten more steps (about 30 feet for long legged me) and do it again. Keep in mind, no rocks in my playa lake bed but I am sorting through antelope droppings, sheep droppings, and horse piles. The main plan is to discern the meteorites from the animal droppings. Riding a four wheeler, or bicycle wouldn't work, as there had been previous 4 wheeler tracks in a methodic pattern running back and forth across the playa and about 100 foot swaths and they failed to find the one, and I am pretty sure it was one of my student meteorite hunters that missed the golden opportunity by traveling too fast. Attention to detail was what helped me locate that fusion crust, and handling and looking at maybe a hundred pounds of individual NWA's really imprinted that fusion crust in my mind. That was important to me...that and putting down that remote control, the mouse, and getting out to where the meteorites should be found. Time spent in the field where the meteorites live is the most important factor for my find. They don't usually come through the roof. Best, DAve F. __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software ______________________________________________ Meteorite-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]