Adam, You warned;
"Do not store unfinished drink around your household.
Dispose of unfinished portions immediately.
Do not get near an open flame.
Do not smoke while under the influence.
If feeling too woozy contact a poison control center immediately.
Do not induce vomiting."

But you forgot, DO NOT OPERATE A VEHICLE !!!!!

Thanks, Tom
Peregrineflier <><
The proudest member of the IMCA 6168
----- Original Message -----
From: Adam Hupe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 8:10 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] "Denver Death Cookie" update

> Dear List Members,
> Please forgive this intrusion but we called Teddy's in Denver and were
> provided the secret recipe for the now infamous "oatmeal cookie".  This
> concoction affected the most experienced of drinkers, mainly an unnamed
> well know Russian.  He came up to our group and said, "I know you, you are
> something, something guys".  This clearly demonstrates how dangerous these
> drinks really are.  I will provide the secret recipe with the following
> warnings:
> Do not store unfinished drink around your household.
> Dispose of unfinished portions immediately.
> Do not get near an open flame.
> Do not smoke while under the influence.
> If feeling too woozy contact a poison control center immediately.
> Do not induce vomiting.
> Here is the recipe:
> "Oatmeal Cookie" recipe
> 1 part Bailey's Irish Cream
> 1 part Jagermeister
> 1 part Butterscotch Schnapps
> 1 part Gold Goldschlager
> 1 part Grand Marnier
> Most bars only add three of the five shots above, but in Denver we asked
> them to add them all!
> Also known as:
> Acid Cookie
> Cookie Monster
> ..and now the "Denver 'Death Cookie' "
> Wishing everybody a safe day,
> Adam
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