how much? $200/gr. and after is available on ebay for
This time I waith, no other Park Forest mistakes I


--- Michael Farmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I will give a little information, not much, if you
> want more, go there and find out, spend the $$$ to
> do so. 
> I was in Arkansas so luckily I just hopped a
> commuter plane with Gary Loyd and had a blast on
> Bourbon Street. Anyone who thinks that only Mardi
> Gras is party time needs to rethink that assumption,
> the party never stopped there. 
>    There is a meteorite, it fell and crashed  a
> guy's home, unfortunately he threw the desk that it
> smashed, and the house debris including alot of
> meteorite pieces in the trash that day while
> cleaning up the mess. The damage has all been
> repaired so there are no house smasher artifacts to
> get, no cool holes to cut out and preserve, and last
> but far worse than anything else, he left almost all
> of the meteorite under the house in the damp New
> Orleans dirt under the house, for the last week, and
> yesterday while trying to get under, found that the
> meteorite actually damaged a water pipe and flooded
> under the entire house.
>     I told him Saturday to get under there and of
> course volunteered, to no avail, now the meteorite
> sat there a week in water, and is severely damaged. 
>     He did recover 1.5 kilos of fragments from the
> floor and they are ok. This meteorite is EXTREMELY
> fragile, like Bjorbole or Saratov, Chondrite (low
> metal) turns to dust while handling it. 
>     As far as the stuff that was been covered in
> either water or sewage (I don't know if it was a
> water line or the sewage line that was damaged)  it
> will be very highly damaged and perhaps melted by
> now. I will know alot more tomorrow night. 
>     There will be very little to go around if any at
> all. Please don't ask me for pieces until I offer
> them for sale. 
>     This could have been another spectacular fall,
> but he didn't know about meteorites so most data was
> lost and the destruction repaired without
> measurements or even photos!
> Mike Farmer

M come Meteorite - Matteo Chinellato
Via Triestina 126/A - 30030 - TESSERA, VENEZIA, ITALY
Sale Site: Collection Site:
International Meteorite Collectors Association #2140

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