----------------- Original Message -----------------
[meteorite-list] Re: Taza and Glorieta Mountain 
Wed, 15 Oct 2003 16:13:11 -0400 

  <Ah... but these do look like Taza.  I have found
many over the years, and if you set one side by side
with Taza you would not be able to tell the
difference.   They look exactly alike.  >

    Except in this case they are not taza they are
glorieta.  Last week I was offered those 2 pieces on
eBay along with a 68 gram piece which I purchased and
it is definately not Taza.  See the photos at this


    Most of the taza I have see have a caliche dirt
  surface on them which I haven't seen on glorieta,
  then I haven't seen as many glorieta pieces as

    Normally I don't respond to things like this, but
in this case I know the material is described
correctly and letting it go could affect the sellers
ability to make a sale.

  Eric Olson
-------------- End of Original Message ------------ 

Good point Eric!

I'll even go one step farther and say that,
we know who found these specimens, and 
we know where he found them!

I still don't understand why this auction is being
questioned, let alone worthy of a post to this List?

To me, this looks like a Glorieta Mountain siderite.
But, then, I've seen many more of these small Glorieta
than I have seen of those small Taza.  

I guess, to a person who has seen more Taza than they
have of these small Glorieta specimens, it would look
like a Taza.  

I'm with Bill, on this one.  If you still insist it is
a Taza, buy it - cut it - etch it - and prove your

Bob V.

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