Good Evening List members;

In light of all the interesting discussions taking place in this forum
lately I thought it would be a good time for me to give everyone an idea
how things currently work behind-the-scenes on the List:

1) The List is not moderated -- this means that if you are subscribed to
the List and make a post, it will immediately (or pretty quickly) be sent
to all subscribers who have their "receive email" option turned on (approx.
600 people at any given time).

2) Subscription to the List is moderated -- this means that all requests to
join the List are held for my approval.

3) The List is "private" -- this means that any posts sent to the List from
an email address that is not subscribed are held for my approval (approx.
250 a day)

4) The are a set of List policies --

5) The List is free (for subscribers) -- while subscribers are able to post
and receive List emails at no cost, there are costs associated with
hosting, bandwidth, and administration of the List that I currently I pay.

6) The List does not generate revenue (at least not for me) -- while I have
been approached with ways to "make money" from the List, I have chosen not
to go down that path.

7) The List IS what it IS -- with the current model, the state of the List
really depends on the people who use it. I don't have the time to
officially moderate the List (review and approve every post) in a way that
would be acceptable; allowing for the timely approval of postings. I also
don't have the time to assume a more active role as the List "policeman".
There are many days that I can't even find the time to read any posts, much
less read every line of every post to make sure everyone is abiding by the
policies. What I can do is follow threads at a high level (I also often
receive private complaints and do look into them) and then take action if I
think it is appropriate.

8) List membership is optional -- if a subscriber finds the posts more
trouble than good, they can un-subscribe. Over the past several years I've
subscribed to many email lists dealing with many subjects, and the amount
of noise is always directly related to the amount of traffic (in the
information age that just seems to be the way it is). So I deal with the
good info. and the bad, and then if the noise gets too high I leave that
list before I allow it to affect my interest in the subject matter
involved. I would think most would take this approach.

I hope these points clear a few things up for new and old members as well.

Best Regards, Art (the Admin)

Meteorite-list mailing list

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