1. Good information re: sonic booms- I and i am sure many others enjoyed this  information. Lets have more info and less (read NONE)
2.Anyone have any comments on the recent flurry of fireball reports,and falls and any possible explanations for the increase in this reporting or is it an actual increase in the number of bolides.
3.World Travel-
When we read an email  from- or meet in person a fellow from a distant land - we form opinions about them, their culture (or lack thereof),mannerisms, politeness or rudenness ETC ETC.
We  on this list need to remember that we are all Ambassadors of our respective lands and countries, and to the people who travel far and beyond- to distant places on the globe-(or email)-
Remember we are the yardstick that these other people we come into face to face contact with will view as the typical American,Irishman, or Indian for that matter. Please conduct yourself in manners and mannerisms that befit your country.Your conduct will determine their opinion of your country. Take pride in it.
Atul Kumar
To: Meteorite-list Meteoritecentral <
Subject: [meteorite-list] Fireballs with Sonic Booms 101

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