Hello all -

As I said, I am back with more excellent priced LL3 material
This is the same stuff  I was selling before for $10 per gram and I quickly
sold it all. This new stone is "the hardest stone I have ever cut" as told
to me by my cutter. It is very dense and as such the chondrules are more
altered than one would expect, perhaps the result of multiple impacts?.
It is classified as NWA 1930 LL3 S2 W1 with a TKW of 7.5 kilos.
Not as pretty, not as expensive, but LL3 nonetheless so if unequilibrateds
are your flavor, this is your deal.
These are sliced thin and polished out on both sides. Plenty of armored
The following link will take you there, give it a moment to cue up:
Pieces under 20 grams are $9 per gram
20.1 to 40 are $8 per gram
40.1 plus are $7 per gram

The last batch went quickly at $10 so please get back to me with a couple
choices to secure yourself a piece

The next offering is NWA 1936, an exceptional H4 with exceptional
These slices were finished off by Marlin Cilz of The Montana Meteorite
Laboratory. For those of you unfamiliar with his work..it is legendary,
glass-like finish. There was considerable cut loss in the process.
It is classified as an H4 S1 W1 with a TKW 2146 grams.
Price is $3 per gram, a considerable amount for an H4 but given the detail
it  is more than reasonable. I will offer 100% money back including return
shipping if you do not feel this is the best H4 in your collection.
One slice, one endcut, the main mass. Forgive the dark photos, I had to turn
the lights down to keep the reflections down.

First come, first served. Thanks for looking.

Rob Wesel
We are the music makers...
and we are the dreamers of the dreams.
Willy Wonka, 1971

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