Hello Christian, Mauro and list,

here is a summary of the meteorite finds in the strewnfield of the
NEUSCHWANSTEIN fall, that occured on April 6, 2002:

Three specimens of this multiple EL6 chondrite fall have been found
so far:

Neuschwanstein One:
1750 grams, found on July 14, 2002, in Bavaria, Germany
The Bavarian State Museum has purchased the stone from the finder.
The meteorite is on public display in the Ries Crater Museum in Nördlingen.

Neuschwanstein Two:
1625 grams, found on May 27, 2003, in Bavaria, Germany
This is the only one of the three, that was found "in situ" in it's impact hole!!!
The stone is still in posession of the finder.

Neuschwanstein Three:
2842 grams, found on June 29, 2003, in Tyrol, Austria
Likewise this stone is still in posession of the finder.

Mauro, I have looked into your photo gallery
but I found, that these images are from last year's Munich Mineralientage
and not from 2003. They show only the display of "Neuschwanstein One".
I didn't find the album "Neuschwanstein".

Kind regards


P.S. There will be a series of articles about NEUSCHWANSTEIN published
in "Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences" early next year, which we recently have
submitted to the editors:
J.Oberst, D.Heinlein, U.Köhler, P. Spurny will report about the Circumstances
of the meteorite fall, the search activities and the meteorite finds"
J.Zipfel et. al. will report about the Mineralogy of this extraordinary EL6 condrite
D.Revelle & P.Brown will report about Seismic data and Infrasound recordings.

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