Dear Steve,
Firstly, hope you had a great Christmas. Secondly, I was really
dissapointed, that having left town for Christmas, I missed probably, a
chance I may not get again, that being, your trip to Kenosha ( my home
town), on the 27th. I really wanted to meet you, and hear your stories
about Park Forest, ect. !! Hope you come to visit your friend here
again.,  Were you able to set anything up with anyone else from around
here? I was really dissapointed at not being able to have been there.
Thirdly, the Nun Story, was for real. Matteo is indirectly involved, in
that, she is a member of his new Real Meteorite List, website, that he
I haven't posted to this site yet, but I do get it, over the web. His 9
or 10, and growing, new members,  include her, and yes, she ( at least
from what I've read) is a legitimate Nun. FOR REAL, Steve! There are
also others on his list, that  include people who are also meteorite
buyers/collectors, in this country, who  may, but probably haven't ,
either accessed our site, or have, heard of it, and DO plan on coming to
Tucson. It is open to all Meteorite entusiasts, right? She is also a
legimate meteorite collector. More than that, I can't add, because, as I
said, I haven't posted to the List, or talked to any of them privately.
Thought I'd let you know. Hope your New Year, brings you another
Great Fall, like you mentioned. Have a good one. Best Regards, Marcie

--- Begin Message ---
Good afternoon list.I got a very unusal email about 2 weeks ago from a NUN
order from georgia.I guess they had been monitering the meteorite list and
thought it would be cool to go to tucson next year.But what is so weird is
that want to know if they can go with me.Well as you all know I have round
trip airfair there and back.NO ROOM FOR ANYONE!!They thought that I sound
like a fun guy and that I could show them the sites and sounds of
tucson.What do you think list should I show them all the sites and sounds
of tucson???They are going to have to get there on thier own.Maybe they
could ask the FLYING NUN to come out of retirement and they could all fly
AIRGOD.Well this is one of the most bizarre emails I have ever
gotten.Comments of any kind would be welcome.Even proud tom can't top this
one.Hey I was thinking, I don't think even MATTEO  could top it
either.Matteo and proud tom???Nah! It could never be!

                                            steve arnold, chicago

Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 
I. M. C. A. MEMBER #6728 
Illinois Meteorites 
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