Hi List - and Marco,
Here is my translation of a spanish news article, dated 08/January 2004:
 "A man who lives in Fuentes de Ropel, Zamora, says he has found debris of the meteorite that he believes is the same one that fell down on Sunday on the peninsula.
He said that he found it near the local cemitery and that it was like a ping-pong ball in size, and when he picked it up it broke away into 4 fragments. He kept one for
himself and handed over the other 3 fragments at the Headquarters of the Guardia Civil at Benavente.
From there, they were sent to the Centro Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, to have them certified if in fact, the mineral has come from the outer space."
(end of translation)  - This article was written in spanish by a Mr. José Ignacio C. Garcia, Madrid.
 There is a video-clip - showing the finder explaining his story -, attached to this news page, plus some 4 small photos showing again the finder, as well as the small fragment that he kept for himself.
 In one of the pictures, on the palm of his hand is shown a 5 cent Euro coin next to the fragment.
As the coin in question has 20 mm in diameter, one can estimate the fragment to be 14 x 6 mm approx. and it looks like a stony fragment with what seems to be some fusion crust (?) on its top visible side - but I am not that sure.
Check on the following link:  http://www.a3n.tv/mNoticia.asp?seccion=Noticias/Sociedad/&news=6410787
José Campos

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