The IMCA can only be effective if it has some real teeth to back up it's bark. This would require a lot of work to investigate cases of alleged fraud and then taking steps to expose the errant person or remove them from the IMCA if they are a member. This takes time and most people don't like to work for free.

Does anyone know if the IMCA staff is still working at being an active and potent organization?

Best, John

At 01:05 AM 2/21/2004 -0500, magellon wrote:
> If that someone else buys the fake,
> that means they won't be buying our real ones
> and that means we just sold our meteorite
> for less than we could have.
Huh? It just means they are buying fakes.
The thing that hurts everyone, are the burnt
new buyers that quit the hobby. The more who join,
the more demand. The more demand, the more
valuable your meteorites become. Less demand,
Less value.

IMCA is the answer. The more new persons
who join, the more who will be educated to
the glassface1's. However,  one may have
to be burnt once to wise up. And that one
quickly learns about IMCA. While they are
being educated they can purrchase from
IMCA members and not have to worry.

Ebay deals with this kinda the same as law
enforcement. You can't have a criminal without
a victim to accuse him.
If enough victims say fraud then ebay acts....
But only the victims can make the claim.
The person can not only be thrown off ebay
but can also do jail time.
IMCA # 9632

Tom aka James Knudson wrote:

> Hello Randy and list, Randy wrote "let the buyer beware", that's fine,
> but, I am trying to protect the sellers as well, including myself. If
> someone is selling fake meteorites and us collectors won't buy them,
> someone else will. If that someone else buys the fake, that means they
> won't be buying our real ones and that means we just sold our
> meteorite for less than we could have. Then, sellers, to make a profit
> have to raise there prices and we all have to pay more. It seems that
> a lot of legitimate sellers are members of the IMCA and we are the
> ones getting hurt! I think the IMCA members should stick together and
> fight these fraudulent sellers to protect ourselves. I also think
> legitimate sellers that are not IMCA members feel the same way. It
> hurts us all. Am I wrong?Thanks, Tom
> peregrineflier <><
> IMCA #6168
>      ----- Original Message -----
>      From: Randy Mils
>      Sent: Friday, February 20, 2004 8:09 PM
>      Subject: RE: [meteorite-list] glassface1
>      It has been stated on this list time and time and time
>      again.  LEAVE EBAY ALONE.  It is not the IMCA's job to
>      police ebay sellers.  Let the buyer beware.
>      Randy
>      >From: "Tom aka James Knudson"
>      >To:
>      >Subject: [meteorite-list] glassface1
>      >Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2004 17:13:40 -0700
>      >
>      >Hey List, this glassface1 Can't even keep the lies strait!
>      Can't something
>      >be done about this seller? May be the IMCA can put on an
>      ebay add about
>      >fraudulent sellers and how to identify them?
>      >
>      >Meteorite *ALLENDE* CV3 It's my last one
>      >
>      Item&item=2227157587&category=3239
>      >
>      >But then lists another one later
>      >Meteorite: CV3 Allende Special Huge Stone
>      >
>      tem&item=2227224342&category=3239
>      >
>      >Thanks, Tom
>      >peregrineflier <><
>      >IMCA #6168
>      >
>      >
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