Hello Everyone,
Many thanks to Sergey Vasiliev, who translated the page for me and has given me permission to post his translation to the list. 
... In 1991 in Australia was found 350 grams ureilite Nullarbor 010. 1 gram of it was sent to Max Plank Institute for analysis. The rest was lost. Two years later "well known cheater" Ron Farrell said the new meteorite was found. That was also ureilite with the only weight of 349 grams. Farrell said that it was found in Mexico. Meteorite got the name Nuevo Mercurio (b). Two stones (1g from australia and another from Mexico) had suspected the same structure, texture and composition. Most of scientists thought that there are two pieces of the same stone. That story is not the best of Farrell's stories. In 1995 that man showed up in Egypt museum. He said that he is from Yale University and he would like to get two museum specimens (both from Mars) for detail study - the price for both is more than two million dollars. He had luck to get those stones. Finally the Egyptian authorities found out that the man with name Farrell is not working in Yale and never did. Something like: Meteorite business is so profitable that those kind of frauds had been done [sorry but my Czech is not perfect also ;-)] Only for the last three years there were six "martian" meteorites (all from privat collections) recognized as Eath basalts. Something like: The thiefs doesn't care about it. [I have no idea why this sentense is here but it is also translation from another sourse - one of those: CA M`INTÉRESSE Paris; FOCUS, London]. For the same period of time that was reported 128 stolen meteorites. On the Paris meteorite exhibition in 1996 two meteorites were stolen: one from Mars and one from Moon. The one from the moon belongs to National Institute of Polar Research (Tokyo). Something like: Farrell also tryed to get a piece like that. In 1997 he went to Rio de Janeiro National Museum where he tryed to exchange small meteorite (priced at $29,000) for the Eath rock. He was catched at the airport. Stolen meteorite was in his boot. That is a funny one: And even he was judged for two years in jail, he got a chance to escape and now he is hiding somewhere.
That's it.

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