I thank all for the elucidation on uhauhaua aka hahaha aka
muahhhhhhuuuuuuaaaaaaaaa ( evil laugh). aka teehee... which has no reference
to meteorites.. ( thanks Michael).  I perceive ( i before e  except after
C ) that this has the somewhat similar evolution as to " plucking yew". (
the derogatory overtones).

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael L Blood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Dave Andrews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Rosemary Hackney"
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 12:03 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] uhauhauha

> Dear Dave and Rosemary (Missed ya in Tucson, Rosie)
>         Actually, "hahahaha" is derived from the Saxon, "huhuhuhu"
> meaning, "what the hell is going on?" However, in the thirteenth
> century it was in common usage by the Anglos who used it as
> an expression of humor (with derogatory overtones aimed at the
> Saxons).  Over the centuries the pronunciation changed
> (during the period of The Great English Vowel Shift) to what
> we see today: "hahahaha," a synonym of "teehee," meaning,
> "that's funny."
>         Hope this clears it up.
>         Professor Blood
> on 3/4/04 9:48 AM, Dave Andrews at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Rosemary Hackney wrote:
> >> What is uhauhaua ? Is it a meteorite? or is it more akin to
> >> Mawahhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaa?
> >> Just curious.
> >>
> >> Rosie
> >>
> > Hi Rosie,
> > I think it's "hahahaha" in Swedish.  ;-)
> > Dave
> >
> >
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