if the odds were still at 1000:1 against, I'd put down 1000 quid on the off chance that there was life on mars.... I know that doesnt directly answer your question, but if there are any bookies... errr... bet takers out there, contact me off list.. :)

From: "Sterling K. Webb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Meteorite List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [meteorite-list] The Odds Of Life On Mars
Date: Thu, 04 Mar 2004 22:26:11 -0600


         A prominent British bookie, er, I mean, betting parlor --
     Ladbrokes has since 1967 had an open "book" taking bets on the
     existence of Life On Mars.
         They took their first bet on life on Mars in the early
     1970's, at odds of 1000 to 1 (against). It was for ten pound,
     which means that if the better (or his heirs) still have the
     ticket, they could win 10,000 pounds when and if NASA ever
     declares that there was (or had been) life on Mars.
         Today, Ladbrokes closed the book on Mars. They will take
     no more bets (too risky, they think). At the time the book was
     closed, the odds were down to 16 to 1 (against).
         So, what do you think the odds of life on Mars are (for or

Sterling K. Webb

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