Spirit Status for sol 61
Leaving Middle Ground
posted Mar. 6, 12:00 pm PST

After more than a week of camping and field work at "Middle Ground," NASA's 
Spirit took a few last pictures from there then drove onward to the 
northeast on sol 61, which ended at 9:51 p.m. Friday, PST. In the 
martian morning, Spirit's panoramic camera took the final frames needed 
for the camera team to assemble a full-circle color panorama after all 
the data reaches Earth. 

In the early afternoon, Spirit backed up 0.5 meter (20 inches), then edged 
forward 0.29 meters (11 inches) to sidestep a rock called "Ingrid." Then 
the rover advanced 28.5 meters (94 feet) toward its crater-rim destination. 
The drive took 45 minutes. From the new location, Spirit took forward-looking 
pictures for use in future drive planning. It also observed the ground and 
the sky with its miniature thermal emission spectrometer. 

For the sol's theme tune in the morning, controllers at JPL played 
"Motor Away" by Guided by Voices. 

Continued driving toward the crater nicknamed "Bonneville" is the plan for 
Spirit's 62nd sol, ending at 10:30 p.m. Saturday, PST. 

Opportunity Status for sol 41
Precision Driving after Mid-Sol Science
posted Mar. 6, 12:00 pm PST

In its 41st sol on Mars, ending at 10:02 a.m. Saturday, PST, NASA's 
Opportunity inspected a rock target called "Wave Ripple" with tools on its 
arm, then drove to a new target. The new target, "Flat Rock," is in the 
"Slick Rock" area near the south end of the outcrop that the rover has 
been examining for weeks. 

Although the rover wheels slip some in the local soil and the drive 
traversed a slope of 10 to 11 percent, Opportunity and engineers at JPL 
navigated the trip so well that a planned final approach to the target on 
sol 42 could be cancelled. The target is within the work volume of 
Opportunity's robotic arm. The drive was done in a series of one-meter 
(3.3-foot) segments making up a U-shaped path to the south and west. Each 
segment included a correction for slippage. 

Before starting the drive, Opportunity used its microscope for 50 images 
of "Wave Ripple," and examined the composition of the rock with its alpha 
proton X-ray spectrometer and its Moessbauer spectrometer. 

Rover controllers spun Willie Nelson's "On the Road Again" as the sol's 
wake-up song, and used a compressed planning schedule as practice for 
procedures that might become standard after the 90-sol prime mission. 

Plans for sol 42, ending at 10:51 a.m. Sunday, PST, include using the 
rock abrasion tool at "Flat Rock." 

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