Hello List,
I just ran into something new I don't recall seeing discussed here.  While examining a piece of Mesosiderite NWA 1817 (which I believe might be paired with NWA 1878), I found a small cavity in an inclusion with tiny gas bubbles.  The inclusion has a fairly dark matrix, but the little cavity is filled with a very clear, glass like material and several bubbles are clearly visible.
Here is a link to some photos ranging from 0 to 100x.  http://f2.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/skyrok99/album?.dir=/bd7d    I took them through the eyepiece of the scope so they're not the best, but you can see the bubbles at the higher powers. 
Is this common and I am just running into it for the first time?  Any background on this clear material and how/why the gas was captured there?  Maybe an impact with a beanaroid sometime in its past ;-)
Thanks for any feedback.
Don Shervey

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