Hello Don and List,

> examining a piece of Mesosiderite NWA 1817...I found
> a small cavity in an inclusion with tiny gas bubbles.
> The inclusion has a fairly dark matrix, but the little
> cavity is filled with a very clear glass like material
> and several bubbles are clearly visible.

Although your file is momentarily inaccessible, I wouldn't be
too surprised to find such bubbles and glass-like material in
NWA 1817, as it is described as having a "plutonic, igneous
texture" (Met.Bull. 88, 2004).

This mesosiderite will have crystallized from a molten magma
(igneous) deep down in its asteroidal parent body (plutonic)
and dissolved gases will have caused these bubbles when the
material was transported to the surface by volcanic activity.

Just a guess ... any comments?

Best wishes,



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