Hi Mark,

Where did the idea for this comic come from?

I spent 7 days in and around Park Forest last year and found the entire
community to be very friendly. My fellow hunters and I had a great time. At
no time did we considered ourselves in any danger. FOR THE MOST PART, this
is a very nice section of the southern suburbs of Chicago.
Kids in the parks...People strolling the sidewalks....Nice restaurants and

We got a lot of warnings on this list from some of the first reports from
the field. There were warnings for everyone to stay away because of the many
dangers abound.

This was to keep everyone else away!  I am surprised you didn't see through
this smoke screen.
My fellow hunters and I ignored the false warnings and left Park forest with
over 100 stones collectively. I would go back tomorrow.

The Park Forest Strewnfield is not as your cartoon suggests. Your depiction
is totally false. You are way off base.
I know. I was there.


----- Original Message -----
To: "Meteorite List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 1:58 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Happy Birthday Park Forest, New 'Rites & Wrong
(Park Forest) comic

To celebrate the 1st birthday of the Park Forest meteorite, Bruce Bolinger
and myself have created a Park Forest comic.
I have the comic protected on my website, but feel free to e-mail me for the
Mark Bostick
Wichita, Kansas....about 60 miles from the center of the United States.

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