Hi Mark,

After a slow and careful re-read of your letter, it's now obvious to me
that you were indeed referring to the esteemed, talented, generous, and
underappreciated Mr. Stuart H. Perry (1874-1957.)

My apologies for my incorrect assumption. So I guess- Nevermind and
Carry On.

Thanks once more for your efforts.


PS...I promise to read much more carefully in the future.


Mark Bostick wrote:

Hello Jerry,
Thanks for your comments. You will note I was talking about Stuart Perry, on the perhaps he will be remembered line. Perry, I had never heard any of us mention before I started posting this series of letters. If we ignored that Perry had what most would consider today a large meteorite collection (something of a feat in its day), his donations of money and meteorites to the Smithsonian, the ASU donation to Nininger for field work and his free expert advice and microphotographs to Nininger and others...that would still leave to Perry his efforts to reclassify a good share of all the iron meteorites in the Smithsonian collection, and a large pile of published papers.
www.meteoritearticles.com <http://www.meteoritearticles.com>

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