Dear List,

For what it is worth I saw the fireball last night (9:21pm CDT) that was seen over parts of the south central USA.  I saw it as I was driving norhwest on rt 63 towards Jonesboro Arkansas. Unfortunately I can provide little reliable information on its angle, direction of travel etc. As I was driving in heavy traffic I first thought that I was being passed by a truck as a brilliant yellowish light appeared to my right. When I realized that it was not a truck I turned my head towards it and saw it moving downwards and towards the right before going  to extinction within 20 degrees of the horizen (more or less towards the southeast).  I never really had a chance to put it on my fovea as I was driving at high speed in heavy traffic.  However, I can say a few things.

1. It was much brighter than the full moon

2. It probably did not go to extinction nearby, as it descended to a very low angle

3. I first thought that it might be fireworks, but the fact that it illuminated cirrus clouds in that part of the sky indicated otherwise. It took me a few seconds to sort that out however.

4. It was rather orange

5. My wife also got a very brief look at it when I shouted about it. She thought that it fragmented before extinction. She also noted patches of orange light within the fireball.

6. I did not crash the car

Anyhow, I hope that this thing produced some meteorites and that somebody has the good luck to find them.


Stephen McMann 

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