Hello Members,

Nice evening to stay home, and do some computer work, while keeying an eye on 
TV and Frances.

I finally up-dated my site and posted all the details and maps regarding the 
Show. Now you will all know how to get to the Auction on Friday evening, and 
the Party on Saturday evening. But of course, please do email me if you have 
any questions.  Just click of this link:


As for me, I will be at the Show every day!!!!

Friday I will be in Fred's Showroom (where the Auction will be), and so will 
all my pieces, so you can shop in peace and quiet, before the Auction. The 
rest of the time I will be mostly visiting, but I will always have some "stuff" 
in the trunk of my car.
And you can always call me:  303-503-9496 

See you ALL here in less 10 days.

Best of luck to all the Floridians on the East coast, the West coast, and in 
the middle. I think you will all need it. 

Anne M. Black
IMCA #2356, www.IMCA.cc
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