Hi Christian and List,

I wouldn't describe this discussion as valueless. I think, many collectors
would like to have more transparency regarding Tkw`s, possibly paired
material and many different NWA numbers for the same meteorite (stolen Ebay
descriptions are only a side issue at this). The idea of the NomCom to
provide a NWA number for every single stone wouldn't remove the dilemma.
Collectors and scientist must handle an event, that the meteoritical
community has changed more, as everything before - the flood of interesting
and uninteresting meteorites from NW-Africa. I personally don't want back
the "good old times" with the few of Millbillillies, Allende`s and Gao`s.
And Christian, nobody will hate you. B.E. makes a better job in this
relation. :-) I think all of us like you as a real enthusiast!!

And now I will quiet my bushels...

Good night,



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Christian Anger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2004 10:11 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] RE: Enough is Enough, Now NWA 1877

> Yes, you "great" meteorite guys out there.
> I am watching (and I am sure that I am not the only one, the most of us
> collectors) are watching this discussions long long enough.
> Even taking the risk, that some of my personal friends will break
> friendship, I want to share my own opinion on this long discussed themes:
> This list has been misused since (estimate) the last 2 or 3 years.
> Facts and scientific reports lost value against hard bargains and personal
> diffamations.
> I am sure, taking speech for many of the collecting community, that all
> hate tirades did not help anyone - nor collectors, nor hunters or dealers.
> What the hell is this leading to ???
> Is this a profit-theme-list or is it, as it was in the past - a place for
> sharing the experience of all what has to do with this matter.
> For me, I am not interested to go with the loudest dealers, quality and
> honesty counts - and that is my first priority.
> And, again even risking friendships, this would not help to increase the
> market, especially the European Market, a very potential market for the
> future.
> Think it over and calm down to the meteorite roots
> (or leave it)
> sorry (for the members that will hate me in future),
> but I wanted to represent a view of the collectors interests.
> cheers from Austria,
> a nation with one of the most important founders of meteoritical science,
> owning one of the most important historical meteorite collections in the
> whole wide world, and only a handful of REAL meteorite enthusiasts,
> Christian
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