Dear List Members,
Sorry if you receive this message twice: I tried once already but do not
think that it went through...
Fred. B


Good afterenoon,

I would say about the same as Martin Altmann regarding NWAs and if it comes
to Acfer or Tanezrouft meteorites that are also from the Sahara desert, THEY
are fully documented as Oman's! Which is true for many others of course!!!
Collectors who like to get some, here we are: !
Just kidding!
But in addition to this, I also agree with Michel Franco's e-mail mentioning
the major difference between being on the field and collecting all important
information when finding a meteorite, and getting them from meteorite
dealers. This makes for sure a big difference that collectors do not always
realise, specially on the "pairing's problem". This is obvious that hunting
meteorites on the field in the Sahara is more expensive than buying them at
Erfoud in a dealer's shop and therefore less profit effective... But anyway,
people do what they want and/or what they can, and collectors buy what they
choose even if for cost's reasons are a major parameter. Knowing this, we
keep on hunting because we love this feeling of "treasure's hunting", even
if it's not bringing much cash. The "treasure" is something different... OK,
maybe we are not good businessmen but we don't care, which does not mean
that we do not want to defend our point of view, without offensing those who
buy and sell of course, who certainly bring a larger choice of meteorites on
the market (no doubt!).
And as far as documentation is concerned, those of you who already bought
some space rocks from us know that we give as much information as possible
with the meteorite, including on site picture and pictures of various
fragments and/or slices from the same meteorite. Each single slice that we
sell is sent with a complete data sheet on the find.
By the way, we have now our first thin sections for sale. Thanks for
I made lots of pictures of those thin sections for you to know better what
you will see when purchasing one of them. Thanks again for looking:
If the links get "broken" by the "random page set-up" that we often get with
e-mails, you can anyway access those pages from the home page of our
Best wishes to all!

Frederic Beroud
IMCA #2491

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