I'm a bit confused. Below you posted the following to the list:

> Hello list.I have a monumental trade offer to offer.I am willing to trade
> my 18.9 gram slice of CAT MOUNTAIN,with a signed copy from BOB
> HAAG,specimen card for a bunch of meteorites.It is a $2500.00 value.I
> always believe it is easier to make a trade, than to sell.It seems people
> are just not willing to part with there money.Oh well!Let me know if you
> want to make this trade.It will also come with a riker box also.I am
> looking for anything,except CAMPO and NANTANS.
>                                           STEVE ARNOLD, CHICAGO

However, on you website under "The Showroom!!" you have posted the

"Coming soon to the showroom?18.89 gram slice of  CAT MOUNTAIN IMB L5
Meteorite.It is coming back home to stay forever.Oh yeah! "

What happened??? Inquiring minds want to know.


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