Interesting. But I thought that driving around the
desert that any money that you spent in Arab countries
 was used to finance Al Quada and to destroy places
like america, australia and britain. 
What are you guys doing supporting Arab economies
where terrorists are from anyway?
Why dont you guys go back to France, tell more
fabricated terrorist stories to some french court and
leave meteorite hunting and world travelling to people
with an IQ greater than 6.
If you change the industry that you work in from
hunting meteorites to writing fiction novels you might
actually be able to make some money to buy a hat so
that your brain dont get further fried in the hot
sahara sun.

--- SaharaMet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> A new page on our desert trips:
>    - Mauritanian Sahara expedition
>    - Temimichat and Tenoumer impact craters
>    - panoramic views of the craters
>    (4000x650 pixels)
>    - impactites and shocked granitic rocks
>    - story of the journey
> Go to:
> Richard & Roland Pelisson
> SaharaMet
> Sahara expeditions and great meteorite discoveries
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