Hi Mike and everyone,

The brown crust is just areas that have not been burnt or melted as much as the blacker areas. My photos also make them a little washed out when, in fact, they are blacker than what they appear. Sometimes it is difficult to get accurate color with the darker or lighter meteorites (whole or cut).

I did point out one that had some oxidation so you can definitely see the difference.

Best regards,


----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Fowler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Michael Fowler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 4:19 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Sale and/or Photos - Oriented Amgala individuals

Hi Greg,

I notice that the Amgalas in your photos look very brown. Some other photos posted to the list show a very black fusion crust. Is it a difference in the amount of weathering?


Mike Fowler

Dear Frank and List,

This is a fun subject. I knew I had a few oriented Amgala's in my
collection, but when I looked through the 3 kilos or so of material I have,
I found that I have 20 oriented Amgala's. Most are 100% crusted and have
excellent features such as lip-over, flow lines and frothing, along with
some that have a nice florescent "sheen" on the trailing end. There are a
few that are just the beginning of orientation where you can see the black,
thicker crust starting to roll over the less burnt brown layer.

Since I have so many, there is no need for me to hold all of these. What I
will do is consider the highest offer on any of these 20 specimens. I will
review all offers until Monday, December 6, 11:00PM EST (USA). I will
contact the highest bidder and let them know if I accept their offer. I will
most likely accept the highest bids so do not be bashful with your offers. I
will not end one early as to give everyone a fair chance to make an offer up
until the deadline.

Here is the list with picture links, even if you do not want to make an
offer, they are worth looking at:

33.3g 100% crust, lip-over, flow lines, frothing

2.4g 100% crust, lip-over, flow lines

4.1g 100% crust, lip-over

5.7g 99% crust, lip-over

4.8g 100% crust, lip-over, frothing, florescent sheen

5.5g 96% Primary, 4% Secondary crusts, lip-over

2.5g 55% crust, lip-over, flow lines

11.5g 100% crust, lip-over, flow lines, frothing

6.5g 99% crust, lip-over

7.2g 70% Primary, 30% Secondary crusts, lip-over

16.1g 100% crust, lip-over, flow lines, frothing

10.2g 98% crust, lip-over, frothing

13.9g 99% crust, lip-over

7.6g 90% Primary, 8% Secondary crusts, lip-over, florescent sheen

20.7g 85% Primary, 15% Secondary crusts, lip-over

54.5g 100% crust, lip-over

45.6g 100% crust, lip-over, frothing

94.6g 80% crust, lip-over, flow lines

58g 95% crust, lip-over, some exterior oxidation

260g 99% crust, lip-over

Email your highest offers to gmhupe at tampabay.rr.com and include the weight
and/or the picture link so I can accurately track them. I will contact the
highest bidders Monday evening or Tuesday. NOTE: I retain the right to
refuse any offer.

Thank you for looking and good luck to the highest bidders,

Greg Hupe
The Hupe Collection
gmhupe at tampabay.rr.com
naturesvault (eBay)

----- Original Message ----- From: "fcressy" <fcressy at prodigy.net> To: "Meteorite List" <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 11:33 AM Subject: [meteorite-list] Oriented Amgala individuals

> Hello all, > > Todays "Rocks From Space Picture of the Day" of the oriented Amgala > individual brought a question to mind. In the May 2004 issue of > "Meteorite"

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