It's a shame when a group of smug people become so cut off from the general 
population as to think they can dictate thought policy. Rock the boat and 
you're a heckler. Question the IMCA for instance. No dissent is acceptable. Do 
we really want this list to end up like the pathetic IMCA list? I cherish every 
small minded opinion expressed here no matter how WELL it's stated ;)


 -------------- Original message ----------------------
> In a message dated 1/5/2005 9:32:24 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,  
> One thing's for sure -- if we do nothing,  this list will die.
> The passive approach isn't going to fix it.  My  intent was
> to try to breathe some life back into the list and  perhaps
> inspire others to share similar stories.  But when  "content"
> messages are met with a chorus of crickets while  bad-mouthing
> and off-topic subjects earn a symphony of responses, the  current
> may already be too strong to swim upstream.  Still, when  I
> consider this list's longevity, I feel it deserves some sort
> of "show of  hands" before effectively issuing a DNR and pulling
> the  plug.
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Rob,
> Please  go on with the next segment.
> There are still people here who are  interested. 
> As I have already told Michael Johnson, you do not write /  publish pictures 
> for the few noisy ones, but for the vast quiet attentive  audience. 
> Ignore the hecklers, and please remember the quiet ones.
> (Maybe it is time for the quiet ones to speak up!)  
> Anne M. Black
> President,  I.M.C.A. Inc.
> ______________________________________________
> Meteorite-list mailing list

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