Hello Ron. What a cool color picture that is. Is
there a possibility in the near future of a color
print being published that a person could purchase? I
for one would like to have one! Thanks for all the
info that you provide to us!

> [Image]
> Iron Meteorite on Mars
> January 19, 2005
> NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has found
> an iron meteorite on
> Mars, the first meteorite of any type ever
> identified on another planet.
> The pitted, basketball-size object is mostly made of
> iron and nickel.
> Readings from spectrometers on the rover determined
> that composition.
> Opportunity used its panoramic camera to take the
> images used in this
> approximately true-color composite on the rover's
> 339th martian day, or
> sol (Jan. 6, 2005). This composite combines images
> taken through the
> panoramic camera's 600-nanometer (red),
> 530-nanometer (green), and
> 480-nanometer (blue) filters.
> Image Credit: NASA/JPL/Cornell
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