Barcis is not confirmed is a pallasite. I have ask to M.Grady to put the nominative of pseudometeorite.


From: "Jeff Kuyken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Meteorite List" <>
Subject: [meteorite-list] What's Your Favourite Pallasite?
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 00:08:57 +1100

G'day List,

Some of you may remember when almost two years ago I asked the question,
"What's your favourite Ordinary Chondrite?" which turned up some interesting
answers. The other day I received a small-ish piece of 'a' Pallasite which I
hadn't seen a nice specimen of "in person" before. It got me thinking what
my favourite Pallasite might actually be!

It's really not that easy when you think about it because there are many
beautiful localities which could easily take that place at the top of the

So, while I expect a certain few to show up, I thought it would be
interesting to see which really is the favourite Pallasite flavour! If you
hit 'reply' and let me know (OFF-LIST), I'll collate the answers and post
the results in few days.

It's ok if you don't have your own pieces to have a look at because there
are plenty of great pics on the web. David Weir has a great page on
Pallasites at his site:

And a list of Pallasites is available here:


Jeff Kuyken
I.M.C.A. #3085

(P.S. While Seymchan and Al Mahbas are not really "official", you could still vote for them if you want.)

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