And ... I'd Like to publicly thank John Blennart for donating a nice
collection of Gold Basins and others to South downs Planetarium in
Chichester, England just before christmas. They were very much
appreciated. They are on permanent display, and are enjoyed by visitors
to the Planetarium.

Very Kind.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2005 10:00 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] John Blennert and Gold Basin

John wrote:

> it was found before ... and the folks on
> this list ever heard of Gold Basin !!! 

Hello John and List,

These words bring back pleasant memories, ... memories from
1999 when I got an email from John after I had posted something
about Michael Blood hunting for Gold Basin meteorites. John wrote:

"I would like to extend a personal invitation for you to hunt Gold
I will loan you a goldmaster metal detector and be your personal guide.
I will cook (no guarantees) and get you familiar with the detector, heck
I'll even give you a drive around and show you all the known field. I
guarantee you'll find a few meteorites if I have to throw them at you?
He He. That's assuming you don't have a hearing impairment !!! I know
you are a long way from Arizona, but if you could find your way to get
here I will try and accomodate anyway I can !! It's very hot there now
the best times for hunting are October thru April. If this offer is not
workable because of work, wife, kids or finances email me your address
and I would love to mail you a nice Gold Basin!! I would be honored to
send one to the man that helps so many!!"

A few days later there were two beautiful specimens (76 and 86 gr) in my
mailbox and they were welcomed by a small 31.5 gr specimen with an
field number (UA410) that I had purchased from Allan Lang some time

John wrote in his letter that "most of the Gold Basin finds are broken
up pretty bad" and that "both of these have a good show of crust."

That was more than true because they even showed clear signs of primary
the 86-gram even signs of a secondary crust; the 76-gram piece has
regmaglypts, is conical and may thus be oriented or at least
from its plunge through the Earth's atmosphere.

John, let me once again thank you for these beauties, and, you may be
sure that
they will never leave the B. Pauli Meteorite Collection, no matter where
the wind
blows from!

Best wishes,


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