Hello to the List Members.

Some of you know I'm on a trip through the USA and I
found with my friend Vincent a strange-looking stone.

Here's the website link where anyone can look at this
find :
(then click on any five links shown as "Cliquez sur le
lien pour afficher la photo" 

It shows a kind of external "fusion crust". I broke
one end to see the inside and it shows a
greyish-greenish structure. It's very friable. No
metal, only tiny bits of green spangles and yellowish
crystals (like olivine). As a last clue, I have to say
it was found in the Gold Basin strewnfield.

At first sight, I would say it's a kind of peridotite
but maybe meteorite list members have better advice.

Best regards,

Pierre-Marie PELE

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