Michael L Blood wrote:


Has anyone explained what this means, signifies, implies or otherwise
impels some people on the list to include it in their posts?


Well, I've heard the Buckleboo question enough times now until
it's finally got my curiosity aroused.

Google offers over 14,200 references to Buckleboo; most, I
suspect, having to do with Buckleboo Station in South Australia.
Turns out it's a hot area for real estate sales and investment. Who
woulda thunk it?


One of the more colorful and descriptive sites is:


You've sure got to hand it to the Aussies, though. They're nothing if
not the most inventive people on the planet when it comes to naming
their towns and places with the most strange and interesting sounds.

I suspect Martin uses Buckleboo as a sign off because the word
sorta tickles the tongue when spoken, the ear when heard, and the
mind when thought of. It's even occured to me that when spoken in
its native habitat it may even be threatening in nature.

Or then maybe it just might have something to do with the Buckleboo
meteorite as others have suggested. I guess only Martin Altmann
knows for sure and I don't recall that he has explained it. Maybe we
could gang up and tickle him 'til he 'fesses up one of these days.

West Texas Jerry

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