Extremely good, ...and entertaining post!
I found the word "Insolitology" just now..."The Study of crackpots on the internet".

I have had that feeling about the hotmail and yahoo addresses for years. If one can't support a real ISP then that is a grain of salt on the credit app. for me to not accept the real person as a real person until proven so by deeds. Grant it, some use hotmail and yahoo for extra email addresses but some use them for the dark side! I have been with Fascination.com for 7+ years and have been here for the same amount of time with the same address..

I found no meteorites in the desert today FYI, hunted 6 hours!

And, I was only being facetious (1. given to jesting, playfully jocular 2. Amusing) ....in my post earlier about the loose morality girl friend. There is no big mac queen in my stable. Mine are really fine upper level prom date kind of gals!

Dave F. (who has never busted a meteorite and hasn't cut one in 4 years!)

2003 WY Mining Assoc. Professional Salesman of the Year
2004  Rock Springs Chamber of Commerce Volunteer of the Year
eBay Power seller, 100% positive feed back over 1,200 auctions completed

E. L. Jones wrote:

Congrats! Good work. Now you know at least that that name is setting you up.

I do similar things with addresses that move freely amongst the many "free and throw away" accounts Over the years has anyone else ever wondered if and why so many of the "So n So's Our Hero, Stop Bashing Him !, Enabler Society"-- have "throw away" email addresses (e.g. yahoo, hotmail etc.) with ISP access in, for example--the Chicago, Illinois area? Or why they only post to "support" the Hero, and never answer questions put to them? Maybe it is just that I am paranoid... The subscribers to this list are SOOOOOooo played and many so gentle and trusting they are oblivious.

Giving things away seems, on the surface, as a noble mangamous behavior until you remember that Jim Jones gave away free kool-aid , Thalidimide was a free sample given to pregnant women, and your neighborhood drug dealer frequently starts a new customer with a "free bag".

I think you are right--we shouldn't tolerate fake identities, we shouldn't tolerate being played, and when the liars are found out we shouldn't tolerate their deceit. An apology is ok once but when it is used over and over as a "get out of jail free" card, how do we expect that the apology is ever sincere ever? In the long run, as was said long ago on the list,--this trade is based on the trust and integrity of the person's claim of provinence-that the material is what it is represented to be. If they are deceptive in other matters why do we want to believe that they are suddenly "wholey honest" in their sales weights, sizes, and representations. How would we know the material was even from the meteorite they claim it is?

I want to apologize for this post, and I want to apologize in advance for the next one--it won't happen again....and in case it does, I want to apologize for that one too. Oh did I tell you I apologize for this post? (rolling my eyes)


Tom Knudson wrote:

(snip)..." Devon Slater" that quickly
turned into an argument complete with insults. Later today I checked the blog, and sure enough, he took it over to the blog. Then, I noticed that his
email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I also looked in the List
Archives and found out in the past three months, he has only posted a few
times and each time it was to fight with someone.
  I am thinking that with an address like his, he is not a real person,
just another person that has to hide behind a fake identity so he can be
hateful. I think, as a list we should not tolerate fake identities on the
list or it will end up as bad as the blog.
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