Hello Michael

I am living in near Tokyo, so I have often been to the Tokyo Mineral Fair
Indeed, it is rumored that it seems very closed show for non-regular dealers
like you.
Additionally saying is that Japanese people are in depression and in
deflation cycle under
silly economic policy, so the meteorite dealers cannot gained so much money
there now
I guess. I know other rumors concerning TMF, and I don't like TMF.

You had better participate the Tokyo Mineral Show (TMS) in December rather
this Tokyo Mineral Fair. Do you remember that I purchased a nice Allende
including DI from you in TMS last year? This is one of my favorite
specimens. Thanks.

K. Ohtsuka

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael Farmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2005 3:29 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] I am home from Tokyo

> Hi everyone,
> I am home a little early from Tokyo, and am preparing now for the
> and St Marie aux Mines shows in France. Anyone who wants anything, let me
> know now so that I can prepare it, ship it, or bring it to France. I will
> traveling on from there back to Asia, and will not be bringing much at all
> to Europe. So please make your requests now.
> On to other business:
> Just a quick note about the Tokyo show, and just to squash any rumors
> they start, something occurred there that needs to be addressed now, not
> when people start spreading rumors.
>     Hans Koser and I went to Tokyo, and managed to acquire a table at the
> show, directly from the show owner, when another dealers material was
> in customs.
> That table unfortunately was next to Marvin and Kitty Kilgore. We agreed
> from the start not to put meteorite specimens on the table (as this would
> compete too much with Marvin). Hans and I both had mineral specimens, and
> meteorite jewelry, spheres, and eggs made of meteorites.
> Within an hour of setting up the table (the show had already started)
> was a meeting with Marvin Kilgore and Bud Eisler. The complained to the
> owner several times, then Kitty Kilgore came in and saw us there and she
> the show owner, then they forced us to be kicked out of the show. There
> of course, an argument and although nothing serious, there was no
> between Hans, myself nor Marvin. He tried to explain that it was not
> personal, only business.
> Of course, any of you can imagine how much it costs to go to Tokyo,
> material, then being thrown out of the show barely two hours after it
> opened. This was not a nice thing to do, and we had only jewelry and
> manufactured items on our table, Kilgore had none of that, only large
> specimens for sale. Eisler did have lots of meteorite jewelry, but he was
> nowhere near us.
>     This is a pretty bad situation, and no need to make it worse with
> rumors. It was several dealers being jealous and not wanting competition
> a show, and that was that. Since I have never attended that show, the show
> owner bowed to the complaints of Bruno and Carine, Marvin, and Eisler and
> kicked us out. Bruno complained to me the moment he saw me in Tokyo.
>     Any of you who know Hans Koser knows that he is the nicest guy in the
> world, who works on very little money, and who this hurt extremely badly.
> did not deserve that sort of treatment, nor did I as I hardly know Bud
> Eisler (even though he lives in Tucson) and have always considered Marvin
> close friend. Needless to say, that is over with this action.
> There are two sides to every story, and Marvin tried to tell me that he
> kicked out of there before and it was then only fair that I got kicked out
> ( I don't buy that argument at all), and that there were too many
> dealers there (again, so what) and those things made it ok to kick two
> friends to the curb and force them to lose $4000 to $6000 each in
> There were many witnesses to what happened, and if you don't believe me,
> Hans.
> I am a firm believer in "what goes around, comes around".
> Mike Farmer
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