Hi list.Even tho I have had to block certain listiees email addresses,I
still have some faithful friends who let me know when certain parties
continue to bash me just for the fun of it.You bash me for repeated posts
concerning sales,ebay auctions,website updates,givaway updates,even like
yesterday,saying very downright lies about me.If I post a question to the
list about something meteorite related, I still get attacked for no
reason.You insult my intelligence,you question me as a person,you say I
have no business being in meteorites,you knock my photo taking,which I
know is not very good,but I know it and I am trying to study that darn
camera,my website gets knocked because it is not PROFESSIONAL,I get also
insulted for my grammar.Just all in all I keep getting beat down just from
a few met list members who it seems just keep on beating me down because I
just do not rate high up on the meteorite chain.I apoligize for not being
a hunter,seller,or not higher up on the meteorite food chain to  please
you all.I AM JUST A VERY SERIOUS COLLECTER!!There is one thing I will not
do,I will not go and belittle those people who like to make me feel bad.I
am above that.Those people can go and have thier little fun and feel like
they are getting me down,but you are not.I just think that the various
parties involved wake up and get a life.DA,JG,JD,TERRY I really hope you
just learn to let this all go.It is getting old,tired,and beat to
death.This great hobby does not this kind of crap,just because you do not
like my posts.I thank god for the good people who are my friends and know
I do not go out of my way to make another list member feel bad for
something that is so trivial.Well that is all.I have vented and I will
move on.I hope the bashem boys can do that as well.

                                    steve arnold, chicago

Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 

Illinois Meteorites,Ltd!

website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com

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