Hey Steve,

Congratulations on your new NWA 3119. See you got shot out of the saddle
on the 6.4g Pena Blanca Springs, tho. $27.74 per gram is a little strong for that
one, unless you really want it bad.

Now, how about an answer on the Sweetwater, Texas offer, please.


Steve Arnold, Chicago!!! wrote:

Hi list.Nwa 3119 is a very beautiful meteorite.I just got a 16 gram slice
for $50 on ebay from greg hupe'.Wow looking up close at it,the clasts are
really nicely shaped and really stand out.Alot of the chondrules are
really close together somewhat resembling the chondrule conglomerate.Avery
nice meteorite.Thanks again to the hupes'for making it available.This
email is meteorite related!

                                           steve arnold, chicago

Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120

Illinois Meteorites,Ltd!

website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com

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