Aloha Eric and all -

good point -

and - luckily I have a slight clue - they were
cleaning other parts of the Suleymaniye Mosque, which
had turned quite grey - I saw them spraying
water/liquid over dark regions, and nearby regions had
gone back to light color. So, it is quite possible
that they had cleaned the walls of the tomb in the
recent past... 

So, we need a picture of the tomb entrance from a
couple years ago :-) :-)

which means we still don't know. Time to write some
letters to people at the mosques.

cheers - ted
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Ted the photos are really pretty good.   If I had to
> make a guess I would say that the piece at the tomb
> of Suleyman the Magnificent is not a meteorite. 
> That guess is based solely on the complete lack of
> any staining on the marble below the piece.   After
> such a long period of time in the weather even
> meteorites with small amounts of iron would have the
> iron leach out and stain the marble below.   Of
> course the area could have been sandblasted clean
> recently removing the stain which would invalidate
> the comments above.
> --
> Eric Olson
> ELKK Meteorites
> > messed up the link!!!
> > 
> > sorry
> >
> > 
> > That should work
> > 
> > ted

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