In a message dated 10/9/2005 4:05:10 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,  
> harlan trammell wrote:

"ok, folks  what it is? let's see the TOP 10 sweatiest, crappiest,  rustiest,
hear-it-crackle- as it falls apart in your hands 5 seconds after  sawing,
skyrox. i'll start with: tsarev, brahin, campo. what have YOU  got?!"

Steve Schoner responded:

Nearly impossible to cure."

Yes, "my" Mt. Dieu from Alain  Carion is a ruster - "my" between inverted
commas because we all know that  things may be quite different from one
meteorite to another. My Tsarev has  been stable for almost 20 years now,
my Brahin from Ivan K. is still stable,  my Campo from the Zeitschels or from
David New (I don't quite remember who it  was from) is still OK whereas a
silicate-iron piece of the Campo del Cielo  meteorite is rusting away before
my eyes, ... and not to forget, Alex Seidel  has heard it so often before :-),
my Brenham slice has also been stable for  about 20+ years now.

> falls apart in your hands 5 seconds after  sawing ...

I don't quite agree. My Nantan didn't fall apart five seconds  after sawing
because it was sawn when I bought it at a Mineral Show in Ulm in  1999,
and, it fell apart 10 seconds (!) after I had purchased it  ;-)

Good  night,


and  "my" Montdieu, the large slice cured by Jim Hartman 3 or 4 years ago, is 
still  fine! 
I suppose there are exceptions to every rule!

Anne M.  Black
President, I.M.C.A.  Inc.
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