Great ball of fire out west
Thursday, 17 November 2005

Cobar and district farming areas to the north were shaken last Wednesday 
evening by an unusual
blasting event which left residents wondering whether a small earth tremor or 
mine cave-in had
The sudden explosion at 6.34pm was followed immediately by a loud rumbling 
noise, rising smoke and a
strange cloud formation resembling a jet aircraft's vapour trail. 

Police and emergency services in Cobar initially received reports from district 
landholders and
travellers on the Kidman Way of an aerial explosion over the MacKay family's 
'Yandilla Station' near
the Merrieree Hills, 70kms north of the town. 

Ambulance and fire units raced to the area but were unable to locate the source 
of the blast. 

Cobar's Meteorology Station later reported the unusual incident probably 
involved a meteorite or
fire ball exploding as it plunged through the atmosphere. 

A meteorology spokesperson said the explosion and its after effects may have 
been caused by a meteor
shower called the Southern Taurids which crosses the Earth's gravitational path 
on an annual basis
during early November. 

The MacKay family of ‘Yandilla Station' were eye-witnesses to the phenomen 
which occurred directly
over their Kidman Way homestead and rattled every window in the recently 
renovated house. 

Tammy MacKay told the Cobar Age she was pegging clothes when she heard a big 
bang overhead and then
a crackle and fizzle noise. 

She looked up to see smoke in the sky and called out for her husband and sons. 

Dean MacKay said at first the family thought the noise like a sonic boom and 
smoke ring belonged to
an aeroplane breaking up in the sky. 

"The boys and I were in the house when it started to shake and the windows were 
rattling so we
rushed out to see the big smoke ring," he said. 

"The house really did shake and I was surprised the sonic-type boom didn't 
break the windows - it
was a really deep sound and very frightening. 

"We rang the Cobar Police but the call was diverted to Bourke where they said 
they had already had a
few reports." 

Mr MacKay said he hoped a search of ‘Yandilla' would eventually turn-up some 
meteorite fragments or
other evidence of the mid-air explosion. 

Another eye witness was grazier Robert Neate of ‘Mopone Station' also north of 

Mr Neate who was working near his homestead dam said he heard a loud rumble at 
6.34pm and looking up
saw an unusual twisted cloud similar to an aeroplane's vapour trail and heard 
strange twirling
noises like objects falling from the sky. 

"At first I thought it was a mine blast but then I realised the noise came from 
the wrong
direction," he said. 

"I must admit I did feel uneasy as I watched the event unfold." 

Both the MacKay family and Mr Neate said the strange cloud formation was 
visible for nearly three

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