Hi Gerald, Martin, Zelimir and All,

You made quite a clear expression of how we can determine the value of a 
meteorite Gerald, as it definitely does not only depend on
the usual rule of "offer" and "demand", which varies along a time scale as 
 Meteorites are mainly purchased by collectors, who may have some money to 
spend after paying all their fixed charges, and this
amount of money left available for "extras" depends on the economic situation 
in a certain place (where the collector is located) at
a certain time... Finally when talking about collectibles such as meteorites, 
there is also a share of "human feeling" that is
impossible to measure and to really forecast. I mean that sometimes a meteorite 
collector can be so excited in front of a specimen,
that she/he will pay a price for it that has nothing to deal with reason... (I 
realised sometimes that it happened to me when
bidding on ebay!).
Therefore all those parameters make it very difficult to determine the price of 
a meteorite, which is a mixture as Gerald mentioned,
of "Value" and "Worth" notions.
When selling a meteorite one has to take all these parameters into 
consideration, and when it's not selling to review the price that
may be too high, or keep it until the situation is more favorable.
As a meteorite hunter now, I definitely do not consider what I have spent to 
find my meteorites to make a price, but just hope when
trying to sell some of them or part of them that I will cover my expenses (I 
like to try and keep some for me as well!). Maybe
because I'm not a "meteorite dealer" but rather a "meteorite dreamer"? A dealer 
is supposed to have a profitable activity. Perhaps
being a meteorite hunter & collector is not the best way to make money!!! 
That's why I'd rather call myself a meteorite dreamer.
Just my 2 cents!

Frederic Beroud
IMCA member # 2491 (http://www.imca.cc/)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gerald Flaherty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 12:41 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Total Number of Meteorites?

> Darren, Martin and list
> Value is personal and subjective. Worth is social and relative.
> If I value something am I willing to bid against others who value the same
> thing. What I'm willing to bid, against others who value the same "it"
> determines what it's worth because I and others who bid objectivize our
> value of the object.
> Down the road our "values" change and so does worth(I've got an inordinate
> amount of Crap which is worthless because it sits unused and unappreciated
> and I'm too lazy to try to get rid of[sell] it. But I valued it once to
> spend $$$$$$$ to possess it.
> No?
> Jerry Flaherty
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Darren Garrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Martin Altmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: <Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 2:29 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Total Number of Meteorites?
> On Wed, 7 Dec 2005 19:56:35 +0100, "Martin Altmann"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I'm not a philosopher,
> >but both of your definitions mean to me correct definitions for price, not
> >for value.
> >
> Value is what worth "the market" places in an item.  As long as there are
> people willing to pay x
> price, than that item has x value, but if people are willing to pay only
> x/5, then you can push the
> x price as hard as you want, it will only have a value of x/5 if all people
> are only willing to pay
> x/5.  The fact that the PRICE to produce/recover item Y selling at price x
> is much higher than
> people are willing to pay for x is unfortunate for the producer/recoverer
> but utterly irrelevant to
> the value of Y.
> Let's look at this example-- realizing the dream of generations of
> alchemists, you CAN turn lead
> into gold.  All you need is the right kind of particle accelerators.  The
> problem is solved.  It has
> been done.  http://chemistry.about.com/cs/generalchemistry/a/aa050601a.htm
> But the only minor
> problem is that it would take billions of dollars and hundreds of years (at
> least) to get a troy
> ounce of manufactured gold to sell.  But do you think that, after making
> that billion-dollar gram of
> gold, someone's going to be willing to pay a billion dollars for it?  Or
> would they pay only the
> current price for any old gram of gold?  The PRICE for that gram of gold may
> be billions, but the
> VALUE is only $520ish (right now).
> Just because something has a certain price to make/recover doesn't HAVE to
> mean that it will have
> that much VALUE to the potential market.  As long as there are people
> willing to pay thousands a
> gram for planetary meteorites, then planetary meteorites will have a value
> of thousands of dollars a
> gram.  But if people stop being willing to pay thousands a gram for
> planetary meteorites, then the
> value stops being thousands a gram, even if the recovery/seller's purchase
> price remains in the
> thousands a gram.
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