Fireball lights up Yukon morning
CBC News (Canada)
December 8, 2005
Commuters coming into Whitehorse were treated to some free fireworks
Thursday morning, as a meteoroid streaked across the sky.

Witnesses saw a bright fireball streak west to east across the sky just
north of the territorial capital at about 8:30 a.m.

"It was blue-white, neon-like and very bright, and lasted about four
seconds," said CBC reporter Doris Bill, who saw the light streak across
the sky as she drove in to work .

The meteoroid left a grey contrail across the sky that slowly broke up
in the upper atmosphere. There were no reports of any sonic boom.

In January of 2000, a 150-tonne meteoroid lit the skies over Whitehorse,
and exploded over a lake about 100 kilometres south of the city. The
Tagish Lake meteor produced a treasure of information about a rare kind
of meteorite.

Thursday's meteoroid likely burned up far above Earth's surface.

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