Hi Sergey,
        Thanks for the offer, but for the following reasons,  I think I will
stick with the process I am in now:

1) Many people will not send in a photo - even though they already
have a photo or photos on the internet from articles I have written
in the past or from Tucson Trips, etc. If they are already on the net, I
feel free to use the photo again, but, of course, will immediately take it
down if anyone should request I do so. The point is, I can get many
times the photos even of people who do not respond to this particular

2) Many of the photos people submit are inappropriate - ie they are
back lit, a large scene as opposed to a portrait, not terribly flattering,
and/or poorly taken and greatly improved by working it over in
photoshop - not available for people submitting directly.

3) I already have about 25 hrs invested and am not terribly drawn to
abandoning the project now.

4) Pierre-Marie PELE offered me the opportunity to use any of the JPGs
on his site to fill in any I didn't already have. (Thanks, Pierre!)

        So, thanks, again, but I will go with the site I currently have in
        NOTE: Once this is up anyone is welcome to send in a better photo,
one with better pixle count, correct my spelling, request removal, send
in photos if they didn't get "up" the first time around, etc. If you haven't
sent in a photo yet, please do. Portrait types are preferred. Please just
attach as JPG and I have no trouble downloading it.
        Best wishes, Michael

on 1/8/06 1:41 AM, Sergey Vasiliev at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Anyway, Mike, I can offer you my help. This is a time consuming thing to
> update an html page every time when you will receive a new image. I can make
> a simple
> website where people will upload their "faces" and names by them selves.
> I can make it in a few days and can host it on my server.
> Of course it will state something like "Michael Blood's faces collection"
> ;-))) or
> whatever you want (you brought this idea up even that I was thinking about
> it also).
> What do you think?

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