I'd like to announce that the stone meteorite I recovered during my September 
2005 expedition near Plainview, Texas has been paired. It has paired with the 
Kress (d), TKW was 57g. The report of the field trip is found here: 

This was the meteorite that a junior researcher or grad student mis-identified 
a meteorwrong.  The copy of the letter (written on ASU letterhead) will 
accompany any meteorite slice.  

Now with our 455g stone the TKW is 512 g.   My stone has been cut and the 
total mass I'll have left after saw loss is 335g.  I will have it for sale at 
the Tucson 
Show.  I'll arrive Monday afternoon to heckle Steve Arnold and his new Brehnam 
paperweight, then I'll be in my Room at INN SUITES 230 along with Impactika.

I do wish to point out the extreme irony of the trip.  The meteorite I bought 
was a 
meteorwrong (Plainview Weird One), and the meteorwrong I bought was a 
meteorite (Kress-d).  Hats off to this hobby!


--  McCartneyTaylor, IMCA 2760
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