En un mensaje con fecha 03/10/2006 2:31:24 PM Mexico Standard Time, 

<< perhaps turn stamp collectors to meteorites >>


Come on Mike, why don't you just send them a few kilograms of cutting 
waste...no argument with you, though we could turn everyone on to cloud 69 
(1969 that 
is, as in July 20) even more by grinding up your moonrock and issuing Lunar 
stamps and maybe get more money spent for Lunar exploration without 
cannabalizing everything else that is beautiful out there.  I could make 
suggestion ... for those of us who get beads and dragons carved out of 
hearts and "S"'s for Superman, or even museum pallasitic recognitions, or those 
who just cut them up, save your powder in a can and then sell it to 
Austriapost's IPO as an untapped opportunity.  That way slices prices can come 
down a bit 
and more profit can be realized and everyone is happy, including the stamp 
collectors and the strategic planners for the privatization of the Austrian 
postal service as they give ideas of the potential value of the concession 
properly run by MBA's and not government employees.  But don't don't stick an 
innocent meteorite in the mortar and pestle if you don't have to...or there 
will be 
more language coming out of the SWMC that will be disturbing.

Just a thought, and just my own worthless opinion,
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