I don't know if I would call him slick... obnoxious frauder is what comes to mind when I think of him.

Yes, that is a total fraud. The only meteorites found in Sweden is ordinary chondrites (H5 I think) and iron meteorites. The material Göran is trying to sell is old slag from the iron production in Sweden, you could find rocks like that over a large area in central Sweden.

If you are as lucky as I am then he will finally send you a message telling you that he will never answer any of your mail any more... don't know what I did that got him that furious.. :-) Maybe it was because I actively work against frauds whenever I see them on the net.

Right now he is trying to sell some of his rocks on a Swedish auction site, tradera. But so far noone have fallen for it.

I have contacted tradera but so far they haven't done anything about his auctions.

I got a rabid letter from the Boggy Creek Collection a couple of months ago but nothing happened after that, don't know what all these lunar meteowrong sellers have against me... Anyhow, it was really fun to read and it was cc:d to the cleaning staff too but I don't know if they understood the fun part of it. ;-)

/Göran, the one with real lunar meteorites.

Pete Pete wrote:

Hi, all,

I recall that a couple months ago someone on the list was warning the rest about a slick Scandinavian scammer trying to peddle terrestrial rocks as lunar...

Is this the guy?

He's been sending these ads specifically to me...(email copy attached)
I suggested he send his ad for the benefit of the List, but he doesn't seem to want to do that.

It just sounds like an Amway/Boggy Creek pitch, to me...

If it's this guy or not, I'd appreciate the name of the scammer again.


From: Göran Lindfors <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Pete Pete" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Extreme breccia meteorites !!!
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2005 00:04:54 +0200

Hello Pete.

Thanks for your great email. I have from 1gram up to 300gr, represent the best extra-rare breccia meteorites in the world and I have much beautiful fusion crust on it. The prices are from 3000dollar/gram (ex,see pictures), but how much will you give gr/price, and how much (gr) ???? Thanks !

Best Wishes my friend /// Göran

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