
This is a somewhat touchy subject that I'm about to bring up, so I will just come out and say it.

Nothing against Killgore or Dr. Lauretta personally, but lets not forget that their new meteorite center was founded because of the 'private collecting community cutting up and distributing rare material' their mission statement seems to sugest their goal as keeping rare material off the collector's market.

While there is some convincing arguments that could be had about preserving meteorites, I feel there is even more argument for allowing the collecting community to continue what it has been doing - collecting metorites.

Why should collectors and dealers alike patronize a facility that thinks they shouldnt have the very stones the facility is classifying for them? It seems like a case of not just letting the wolf guard the hen house, but giving him a bib, knife, fork, bottle of BBQ sauce and a rotisserie cooker to boot!

        I am just wondering how you can "disagree" with a statement
that something MAY be available to people and the suggestion that
they check it out for themselves?
        It doesn't sound like you have called Dr. Lauretta  at the number
I posted.
        Jeez, Mark - it seems like you must have something going on other
than what is on the surface of this information.
I'll give Dr. Lauretta a call myself and let y'all know what he has
to say.
        Best wishes, Michael

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