Hi Mike:

Yes, this has to refer to the impact itself since when we normally use the
term, it implies something coming through the atmosphere.

As Editor, one wishes to be able to "fix" these things, but since it is
just a news item, I tend not to change content.

Just remember, too, this is a news article, and we all know how acturate
they can be!


Editor, Meteorite magazine
(lost my "signature" in our new email system)

On Sat, September 30, 2006 4:43 pm, Mike Groetz wrote:
> Sorry for the ignorant question- but if someone
> could help me with this I would really appreciate it. Ref: The current
> issue of Meteorite Magazine (Aug. '06) Pg 5 news article.
> There are a couple of references to a fireball upon
> impact. My question is- if the moon does not have an
> atmosphere as such- how could there be a "fireball" without the gasses
> (oxygen, etc.) to burn?
> I could understand a large cloud of impact material
> ejected- but a true fireball? Sorry if maybe I am just reading this out of
> context.
> Thank you if you can help me understand.
> Take care
> Mike
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