Hola Doug,

Yea, I have it bad.
I want to see structure in M51 and I want NGC 457 to really look like ET (actually, it does in my 4.7 inch refractor). And those so-called canals on Mars...

Spirit.  Opportunity.  Beagle-2.  I'm with you guys!
Well, maybe not Beagle-2.

Have you ever seen the video which David Krieg has produced for his Obsession scopes. I viewed it and it started me down that slippery slope. Oh man...

On the other end of the spectrum, I looked through my first small refractor APO recently. Have you ever looked through an APO refractor? Oh man...

18?" 20?"  Just too big.
(for now, anyway, - he he)

Almost forgot:  "meteorites"

----- Original Message ----- From: "MexicoDoug" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Walter Branch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Meteorite List" <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 1:38 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] AD: Meteoroites and Books at Ebay

"Please help me.  I have recently been diagnosed with a disease called
"aperture fever" in the astronomical community and I need a cure. You can
help.  A 16 inch truss-tube Dobsonian telescope would effect a cure but I
need to raise 2k."

Walter, I really felt a little wave of fear starting as I read your email
halfway through the first sentence. Luckily, you're not in physical danger
so far.  Careful around some of us as you have a rampantly contagious
condition. I question your "cure" to these cravings. Since when is giving a junkie a two kilos of dough to see otherwise invisible stardust which are
just figments of others' imaginations?  You're just gonna get in deeper.

Think an 18"er, but I bet you could figure out how to pack a 20" into your
vehicle, though you better break out more of the collection and start saving
up for a trailer as this is where your disease leads once the symptoms are
full-blown. Many people do cure aperture fever with a diameter in the 20's, though. They break their backs and then discover the wonders of being able
to set up a 3.5 inchers with playful ease...good luck and clear skies!  I
know two others on this list who are controlling as best as they can the

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